The mission of the Alpharetta High School Media Center is to build a foundation for lifelong learning through information literacy; to instill a love of literature and reading; and to provide a variety of resources which support and enhance the curriculum.
OverDrive is a digital library offering both eBooks and audiobooks for the AHS community, anytime, anywhere! Click - Sora to check out them out!
![]() Use the Catalog to locate print and Ebooks that are available for check out. |
Salem Press eBook Collection
Your single sign-on platform with your FCS username and password to access everything you need from anywhere.
Your online library, with 24-7 access to millions of reference articles, news, audios, e-books, magazine articles, and more! Look for e-library on ClassLink. |
Word, OneNote, OneDrive, PowerPoint, and more. Available online and on your own device for free. |